Monday, 20 March 2017

Internship : Cover Letter

Greetings to my fellow students...!!!

Well..!! In my last Post I talked about CV and Portfolio. Now, it is the turn for Cover Letter which is as Important as the portfolio is for us.

We may say that Cover letter is the First Impression of our CV and Portfolio. If it does not Impress the Addressee , they maybe not interested in the CV and Portfolio. Hence a good cover letter is very important for applying anywhere.

Even if the cover letter is read before our CV and Portfolio. I Suggest you people to write it after making your CV and Portfolio. A cover letter must be professional and personal at the same time.

Most people are confused about what it actually is. It is a series of words which tells the addressee about - your purpose of applying, your experience (if any), why are you interested in the firm, why should they hire you, your expectations+goals related to the firm, ending with your enclosures (about which you can define in a line or two if you want to). Describing your enclosure in some lines gives a rough idea and an Introduction of your enclosure.

You may refer to my cover letter shown as an example below which also helped me to cover my weaknesses in my portfolio (shown as example in my last blog post Internship : Portfolio and CV ) making it more stronger than it earlier was.

As i wrote in my Cover letter that 'my Portfolio shows the basics and beginnings of my work so that the person could see my potential'. It will result positively for me as, now, while looking at my Portfolio, the addressee is in the same status of mind I had while making it. It changes the perspective of employer for analyzing my portfolio according to my thoughts. It makes a great difference in the level of understanding between me and the employer (through visuals and texts in my CV and Portfolio that are being conveyed without my presence) just because of the presence of one line or some words in my Cover Letter.

ADVICE : Make your cover letter short and in simple language. No need to use difficult words to impress (everyone is not used to it and some people may get negative impact also).
Don't forget to mention your contact details in it. And also end your letter in a professional (I would rather say simple and respectful) way.

Again I would like to remind you people that Your Cover letter will be as Unique as your CV and Portfolio. Don't try to copy it. See a lot examples on Internet but only to discover what you should and should not write in it.

BE CREATIVE...!!! I will see you people soon... 

Friday, 17 March 2017

Internship : Portfolio and CV

Warm Greetings guys...!!!

Well talking about CV or Portfolio, they are the FIRST IMPRESSION of yours. I won't talk about what to do and what not to do in them. I will talk about how to show your own Individuality in them as they reflect your Uniqueness only.

The Journey begins from college Itself or much before. It begins from the day when you start discovering yourself and things around you.

It is always been told to us that " SHOW ONLY WHAT THEY WANT TO SEE"
But my question is - "WHY?"
Why should we show them what they want INSTEAD OF  WHAT WE REALLY ARE?

And REMEMBER, Now-a-days First Impression is NOT Last Impression. It may change with time.
So I suggest, You should show Who you are or Who you can be (i.e. What is Your Potential) in your CV or Portfolio.

Don't be like " O MAN! Look at his Portfolio. What a Photography, 3D Renders. I should also put some up. So what IF I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO IT. I need this job"
And also Don't be like "O GOD! She's so good in Design. I am gotta go nowhere with a portfolio like this."

And also In your CV, put things only you have proof to.

You don't want your employer to feel like "Being Lied To" and you should NOT LIE to them either. Because you maybe not good like others but you are UNIQUE IN YOUR OWN WAY. Maybe there is someone thinking same about your Presentation Skills (I hope I knew how to do this thing and this job was mine).

You never know what the employer is searching within their employee. Maybe its Honesty or Presentation Skills (The thing you are great at). It could be ANYTHING. MAYBE something you got better than others. Every same job post has same work but employer's choice varies (according to their needs, thoughts and different experiences)

REMEMBER It reflects you not others.

ADVICE : Keep your CV and Portfolio Simple, Honest and as short as possible. Its your own creativity in 'how to hide your weaknesses within your strengths'. And Yes! Don't Forget to add content page so that viewer should go directly to the topic of their interest.

HERE IS THE LINK TO MY OWN PORTFOLIO AS AN EXAMPLE (There are a lot good examples on internet too). But not as good as your own creativity and thought towards your Portfolio and CV.

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Being An Architectural Intern: General Overview

Greetings to all my student mates...!!!

Being an Architectural Intern is a real big deal.
Its not like other Internships in colleges or universities where they teach you how to do it. It is like a real job where you have to do equal hard work like other employees. Yes! they teach you because its not as same as the college assignments when, you actually step out in real world. But what is important is your willingness to learn.
This is one of the most critical times of our Degree as this is the only time we have when we are being employed to know  'How to do it'. Once degree is completed they will start expecting from you. They will hire you for what you actually know not what you can do(your potential) or gain. Only rare will let you get in their firms for your potential or willingness to learn at that point where you graduate.

While getting enrolled in any firm as Intern, You have to go through every process a real job seeker goes through.
1. You have to make your Portfolio and CV.
2. You have to search for Firms you want to apply to and study them carefully.
3. You then apply in Firms with continuous process of Emails, Phone Calls, applying on Websites, Confirmations (Handling your Current Semester side by side).
4. You have to go for real Interviews maybe telephonic, online or physically going to that firm.

Oh My God..!! This is really stressful.

But once you did all this. You get Rejections or Selections in various firms and then you have to choose the one that is right for you. Remember to not bother about where you got rejected from but taking it positive and making work out the reasons for your rejection till you Graduate. And the time is really to focus on the places where you got selected.

Well I will talk about all the points in Detail in my next blogs....

I will See You Again... 
Till then Keep Smiling and doing Architecture.